• Net2DG - Vernetzte Daten für das digitale Stromnetz

    Net2DG Griddaten für das digitale Stromnetz nutzen
  • ISAS Events (International Service Availability Symposium)

    ISAS, the International Service Availability Symposium, was a sequence of 5 events bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss the availability aspects in services. The term services is kept relatively vague on purpose. This helped the ISAS conference to address a wide set of service areas including maintenance, Web services, xaaS (software, applications, infrastructure As A Service) and other  service aspects around information (and communication) technologies.

  • ENISA - European Network and Information Security Agency

    The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) is an EU agency created to advance the functioning of the internal market. ENISA is a centre of excellence for the European Member States and European institutions in network and information security, giving advice and recommendations and acting as a switchboard of information for good practices. Moreover, the agency facilitates contacts between the European institutions, the Member States and private business and industry actors.

  • IEEE Dependability

    Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerance and IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, Dependability.org has been created as a central source on the Web for information on dependable systems technology. 

  • GI Fachbereich Sicherheit

    Der Fachbereich Sicherheit - Schutz und Zuverlässigkeitder deutschen Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) ist ein Forum für alle aktiven Experten (und Interessierte) zu den Themen Sicherheit (security - safety) und Zuverlässigkeit (dependability, availability). Fachgruppen mit Experten aus Wissenschaft und Industrie bearbeiten aktuelle Themen, fördern aber auch den Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Industrie und Gesellschaft. Die Fächer übergreifenden Eigenschaften des Themas Sicherheit spiegeln sich in der Organisation des Fachbereichs wieder. Er bietet den Rahmen für fachübergreifende Arbeitsgruppen, Konferenzen und anderen gemeinsamen Aktivitäten zwischen den Arbeitsgruppen, aber auch mit anderen Fachbereichen der GI, Industriepartnern und der Gesellschaft.

    Manfred war Gründungsmitglied des Fachbereichs, der 2001 in der GI installiert wurde, und gewählter Sprecher von 2001--2006.

  • SAForum - Service Availability Forum

    The Service Availability Forum™ is a consortium of industry-leading communications and computing companies working together to develop and publish high availability and management software interface specifications.  The SA Forum then promotes and facilitates specification adoption by the industry.

    Manfred was elected president in 2004 and supported the Forum work in a number of roles (business model, use model, board member etc) over the years.

  • Amber Project

    The AMBER Project aimed to coordinate the study of resilience measuring and benchmarking in computer systems and components, fostering European research in order to address the big challenges on resilience assessment posed by current and forthcoming computer systems and computer-based infrastructures.

    Manfred was a member of the AMBER advisory board.

  • Hidenets Projekt

    HIDENETS Highly Dependable IP Based Networks and Services

    Das Ziel des HIDENETS Projekts (Highly Dependable IP Based Networks and Services, click here for a summary) war, Ende-zu-Ende Lösungen für Resilienz in verteilten Anwendungen und mobilen Diensten in globalen Kommunikationsszenarien zu entwickeln und zu analysieren.Technische Lösungen wurden erstellt für Anwendungen mit kritischen Verlässlichkeitsanforderungen im Kontext von ausgewählten Anwendungsbeispielen (use cases) bei ad-hoc Auto-zu-Auto Kommunikation (car-to-car communication) with Unterstützung durch Infrastrukturdienste (infrastructure services).

  • Fujitsu

    Manfred joined Fujitsu (then Fujitsu Siemens Computers) in 2000. Till 2014, when he founded in4com, he held a number of positions, mostly working on international level with global customer companies and peer units. His focus activities were
    - development, promotion and sales of high-availability middle-ware,
    - representing Fujitsu in standards gremia and EU research projects,
    - business development for international major accounts,
    - business development and sales of cloud based mobility solutions with a close eye on telematics applications.

  • BSI- Federal Office for Information Security

    The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is the central IT security service provider for the German government. By its basic research within the area of IT security it takes responsibility for the security of our society, and is thus indispensable to the internal security of Germany.